Day 3 : AWS | EC2 Deep Dive

Day 3 : AWS | EC2 Deep Dive

Table of contents

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EC2 is a most widely used and one of the most AWS services that AWS provides.

Table of content:

  • What is an EC2 instance.

  • Why you need EC2 instance.

  • What are different type of EC2 instance.

  • Concepts of Regions and Availability zones.

What is EC2 instance?

  • EC2 represents elastic compute cloud. Compute means, to provide a compute instance which is a combination of CPU, RAM and Disk.

  • Elastic means which can be scale up and scale down, that means this service elastic in nature.

Why should i use an EC2 instance?

  • Instead of creating virtual machines on hypervisor and managing them manually, it was very tough.

  • One of the main advantage of using ec2 instance, it will be completely managed by AWS.

  • Management effort and cost will reduce.

  • You are going to pay only whatever you have used means pay as you go.

Different types of EC2 instance?

  • There are 5 types of ec2 instance commonly used (Current Generation)

    - General Purpose EC2 instance.

    - Compute Optimised EC2 instance.

    - Memory Optimised EC2 instance.

    - Storage Optimised EC2 instance.

    - Accelerated Optimised EC2 instance.

What are the concepts of Region and Availability Zones?

  • AWS has the Data Center across the world. e.g India, Europe, USA and multiple other places, so this is call Region in AWS.

  • You can choose in which region you want to deploy your EC2 instance.

  • Inside each region you have multiple availability zones.

As shown in image, we may have one of more than one Availability Zones inside the Region.