Day 20 | AWS: How to create IAM user and attach EC2 full access policy.

Day 20 | AWS: How to create IAM user and attach EC2 full access policy.

Today, I have covered how to create IAM user and attach EC2 policy.

Below is the steps which you have to follow for smoothly creating IAM user.

  1. Go to AWS console and search for IAM.

  1. Click on IAM, After that you will get many options, you ave to click on users.

  1. Once you will click on user, you will get an option to create user.

  1. Then you have to specify user details and check click on Provide user access to the AWS Management Console.

  1. Click on I want to create an IAM user and select the Autogenerated password.

  1. Chek on user must create new password at next sign-in, then click on next

  1. Now, yu have to set the permission for your user, click on attach policies directly.

  1. Under the permission policies search for ec2fullaccess. You have to choose that and click on next.

  1. In last you have to review the details whatever you have provided while creating the user.