Day 19: AWS | How to create EC2 instance.

Below is the process of creating EC2 instance.

  • Today, I have covered how to create EC2 instance using Ubuntu AMI.

  • Here I have choose all options as default.

  • I have selected as free tier eligible only.

  • Below the screenshots and highlighter in Red, if you will follow all steps you will be able to create EC2 instance very smoothly.

  1. First you have to search for EC2 in search bar and click on instance.

  1. Now you have to click on launch instances.

  1. Fill all the details like: Name and choose the image as ubuntu.

  1. choose the AMI and instance type which is free tier eligible.

  1. Now, you have to create the Key pair login make sure to use putty one if you are using windows machine and keep the network settings as default.

  1. Allow the ssh traffic as highlighted in below screenshot.

  1. Now, click on Launch instance.

After following all above steps, we will be able to create our first ec2 instance.