Day 13: AWS | CDN(Content Delivery Network)

Day 13: AWS | CDN(Content Delivery Network)

What is CDN?

  • A content delivery network (CDN) is a network of interconnected servers that speeds up webpage loading for data-heavy applications.

  • CDN stand for content delivery network or content distribution network. When a user visits a website, data from that website's server has to travel across the internet to reach the user's computer.

  • If the user is located far from that server, it will take a long time to load a large file, such as a video or website image.

  • Instead, the website content is stored on CDN servers geographically closer to the users and reaches their computers much faster.

Why CDN is important?

  • Content delivery networks (CDNs) provide many benefits that improve website performance and support core network infrastructure. For example, a CDN can do the following tasks:

    • Reduce page load time.

    • Reduce bandwidth Costs.

    • Increase content availability.

    • Improve website security.

How does a CDN work?

  • Content delivery networks (CDNs) work by establishing a point of presence (POP) or a group of CDN edge servers at multiple geographical locations.

  • This geographically distributed network works on the principles of caching, dynamic acceleration, and edge logic computations.

What is Amazon CloudFront?

  • Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) service built for high performance, security, and developer convenience. You can use Amazon CloudFront to do these tasks:

  • Deliver data through 450+ globally dispersed points of presence (POPs) with automated network mapping and intelligent routing.

  • Improve security with traffic encryption and access controls, and use AWS Shield Standard to defend against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks at no additional charge.

  • Customize the code you run at the AWS network edge using serverless compute features to balance cost, performance, and security.

  • Scale automatically to deliver software, game patches, and IoT updates with high transfer rates.

What is Amazon CloudFront and How Does It Work? | Mindful Engineering